Privacy and Policy
Gramer Bari Eco Resort is committed to protect your privacy. Any kind of data during your stay, booking, enquiry shall be entitled to privacy and kept confidential. Information Like Your Name, Address, Aadhar No, PAN , Voter ID details, Your age, material status, Your contact no., Credit/Debit Card no.during payment shall be confidential.
We assure all the guests, visitors, and website visitors that your personal information wouldn’t be shared with any others for any purpose; it would be in our vault for future communication with you only.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding your privacy issues, please do not hesitate to contact Gramer bari eco resort at .
Your personal information will be shared with the local police station for record purpose, its standard practice for any hotel and resort business.
Cookies:- To personalize your experience on our website or to support one of our promotions, we may assign your computer browser a unique random number called a cookie. “Cookies” enhance website performance in important ways like personalizing your experience, or making your visit more convenient. Your privacy and security are not compromised when you accept a “cookie” from our website. Gramer Bari Eco Resort does not use “cookies” to collect personal information. “Cookies” cannot read data from your computer’s hard disk or read cookie files from other websites.
Gramer Bari Eco Resort reserves its rights to revise this privacy policy from time to time at its discretion with a view to making the policy more user friendly.
By visiting, checking this website, you acquiesce to the privacy policy and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the website use.
We request you all to share your personal data with us after checking the privacy policy. When you share your personal information with us we will assume that you have read our privacy policy and you don’t have any objection to sharing your personal information with us.